California Freight Mobility Plan 2023

California Freight Mobility <a href=Plan header image is of a container yard on a pier" width="" height="" />

“As the national gateway for international trade and domestic commerce, California exemplifies the world’s most innovative, economically competitive multimodal freight network that is efficient, reliable, modern, integrated, resilient, safe, and sustainable, where social and environmental impacts are considered equally.” – Vision statement, California Freight Mobility Plan 2023

In collaboration with various State, regional and local partners, public and private sectors, and the members of the California Freight Advisory Committee (CFAC), Caltrans is developing the California Freight Mobility Plan (CFMP) 2023 to provide a long-term vision for California's freight future. The CFMP is a comprehensive plan that governs the immediate and long-range planning activities and capital investments by the state with respect to freight movement.

The CFMP also complies with California State Government Code Section 13978.8(b)(1) (Assembly Bill 14, Lowenthal) and the provisions of United States Code 49 USC 70202: State freight plans (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, or IIJA), which requires each state that receives funding under the National Highway Freight Program to develop a State Freight Plan every four years.

If you have any questions about the plan at please email .