Prestige is a progression system that allows for the obtainment of powerful, permanent boosts to your bock earnings (referred to as 'earnings bonus'). The mechanic is unlocked as soon as you obtain a Soul Egg from any source, including Challenges and the Daily Gift Calendar.
Prestiging restarts your farm's chicken population, common research, habitats, silos, vehicles and resets your egg to Edible. Your permit, Epic Research, the Hyperloop Station, Golden Eggs, Piggy Bank level, boosts, Mystical Eggs and owned Artifacts are all preserved. In turn, you gain a certain amount of Soul Eggs, depending on the earnings made before prestiging. Each Soul Egg costs more than the last, essentially meaning that more earnings equals more SE; see the article on obtaining Soul eggs for a more in-depth explanation.
A player's Earnings Bonus (EB) is the total impact their Soul Eggs, Eggs of Prophecy, Soul Food, and Prophecy Bonus epic research have on their ability to earn money. Prestiging is the most common way to increase a player's earnings bonus. The formula for calculating EB is as follows:
EB = [ > 10 + 5 + 10
+ 25
+ ] [ > 1.05 + .01 + .0025 + .005 + .0075 / .008 + .01 / .011 / .012 + .0005
+ .001
+ .0015
] >
Equivalent formula in just text:
Note: 'Soul Food' and 'Prophecy Bonus' are Epic Researches. Prophecy Bonus levels apply +0.01 to the original 1.05 figure for a total of 1.1 with maxed out Epic Research. Soul food will max out at 140 levels, for a total of 150 with maxed out Epic Research.
Note 2: 'Soul Stones', 'Books of Basan', and 'Prophecy Stones' are artifacts/stones.
A player's EB is commonly used to gauge how far along they are progression-wise, as well as if they are ready to tackle certain challenging aspects of the game, such as the Enlightenment Egg.
Beyond the first 50 SE, different prestige strategies exist. However, a general rule of thumb is, if the game is slowing down and you have no goals that require staying on the current egg, then it's time to prestige.
The percentage gain of SE compared to your total becomes lower with each prestige. There are several ways to counteract the diminishing returns, such as focusing on finishing Epic Research (especially Soul Food and Prophecy Bonus) and performing multistiges.
Be sure to read through the list of abbreviations before looking at the more advanced strategies below.
A common prestige strategy that is very powerful up into the hundreds of quintillions of EB is called 'single prestige preloading', 'singlestige preloading', or simply 'preloading'.
This is an extremely simple guide for early game prestiges, intended to be understandable by anyone, no matter what stage they are in the game.
Note: Doing multiple rounds of boosts is a waste of GE. Prestige before boosting again to get the most SE gain!
How to set it up?
It’s basically the same setup as the basic single preloaded prestige. Therefore you need one of the following boost sets.
Once you have the boosts ready (not activated yet), start preparing your farm by buying 10 Hyperloop trains (max capacity) and all four habs (Chicken Universe), as well as maxing all CR (common research) except WD (Wormhole Dampening) which you should keep on level 24.
When done, you can now switch to your dilithium set and activate the above mentioned boosts. Let habs fill until full. Now that your habs are full deactivate the boosts (if they are still running) and re-equip your dilithium set to activate the following boosts:
SE efficiency: 1 Dilithium Bulb for 1K, 1 50x Bird Feed
for 2.5K
, 1 500x Soul Beacon
(10mins) for 10K
, and 2 50x Boost Beacons
for 100K
GE efficiency: 1 Dilithium Bulb for 1K, 2 50x Bird Feed
for 5K
, 1 500x Soul Beacon
(10mins) for 10K
, and 1 50x Boost Beacons
for 50K
Once activated, make sure to switch to your prestige set and you’ll earn a pretty good amount of SE over the course of roughly 10-15 minutes. It’s roughly 30% less efficient than your basic single preloaded prestige but with this version you can just leave your phone running and let it do the work for you.
Pro Permit Preloads
The boost shown below are all 10 minute versions of: Jimbo's Best Bird Feed, Legendary Soul Beacon, and the Legendary Boost Beacon
The third option (+
) is extremely expensive and only gives a negligibly small increase SE over the other methods. Therefore it is not recommended for players who do not have a surplus of GE.
Standard Permit
The boost shown below are all 10 minute versions of: Jimbo's best bird feed, Legendary soul beacon, Legendary boost beacon
Don't forget to watch the ad to get your video doubler activated. This will net you +16% SE alone.
Multiple prestige, or multistiging, is a late game prestige strategy for high earnings bonus farmers (100Q%+). It is a strategy exclusive to Pro Permit owners. The strategy is designed for the most SE gain using the least amount of GE and time by using the same set of boosts for two or more prestige runs.
Please note that this is only doable by those with the paid Pro Permit.
This graph displays the Soul Egg percentage gain according to population, in billions:
Note that this graph was created prior to the Artifacts Update, hence why the maximum population is displayed as about 11.34B (11.5B). Regardless, it is not worth equipping a gusset in almost any case.
The recommended Artifact set for multistiges is your best versions of the Phoenix Feather, Demeters Necklace and Tungsten Ankh. The fourth item is usually a Dilithium Monocle, but becomes a Collectors Book of Basan at 93 Eggs of Prophecy, and a Fortified Book of Basan at 63. The fourth item can also be a Vial of Martian Dust, especially when hunting drones in a preload. Consider using CarpetSage’s Smart Assistant to determine the best artifact configuration for prestiging.
Different levels of 'stiges' (examples: tristige for 3 prestiges, quadstige for 4 and octostige for 8) require different earnings bonus and boost duration increase (from either Dilithium Stones and/or the Longer Boosts event). Another multistiging tutorial (accurate as of late May 2021), designed for quadstiges, is attached below:
A key component of multistiges is the Hold to Research Epic Research, as this allows for the rapid purchasing of research. Another key component is the Hyperloop Station, due to the amount of eggs being laid with several billion chickens. Three major multistige key components are:
Setup and First prestige
Some examples of path to Universe:
Please note: these are suggestions, the key for multistiges is finding the best path for you
Paths > 500S%
Building the Universe Farm
5. Once you're back to Universe, purchase at least 2 chicken universe habs, and at least 3 hyperloops with all 5 carriages. Max all research, then finish purchasing transport and habs. Run chickens until chicken count aligns with step 4 or boosts finish.
6. Prestige and follow step 4 again or if boosts are finished, Prestige and begin again.
Alternate Boost Combination
Worried about GE to SE efficiency? Well then, try utilising the below boost combo. The SE yield will be reduced however the GE cost is significantly less. Follow the same steps above just activate the below boost combo instead.
50x Boost Beacon, 1000x IHR Prism, 500x Soul Beacon
, 50x Bird Feed
, 50x Bird Feed
Credit to discord user @mennoo (146707232225099776) on the Main Egg, Inc. discord server. Original post can be found here.
Calculations before the run:
First, calculate your IHR multiplier from your IHR set. Example: T4C monocle, T4E chalice, 8 T4 life stones gives a multiplier of 1.2 * 1.35 * 1.04^8 = 2.217. Then, take the population you normally finish research at on universe, and multiply it by the IHR multiplier minus 1. Example: if you finish research at 900m chickens, multiply by 2.217-1: 900 * (2.217-1) = 1095. Rounding up for simplicity, this is 1.1b extra chickens. This means all your legs except the first one need to be 1.1b chickens longer than they are usually. Example: if you normally prestige at 3.8b, you now prestige at 4.9b.
As usual, make sure you are on universe with maxed research. Make sure you have your IHR set and prestige set saved under artifact sets, preferably in the ones you don't have to scroll for. Equip your dilithium set, start your boosts, equip your prestige set, and off we go
The legs themselves
Prestige at the population you calculated above (unless it's the first leg, then prestige at your "old" normal population). While the chickens are running to the hab on your first build up egg (doesn't matter what it is), equip your IHR set.
Side note: the theoretically best thing to do in terms of switching to IHR set is to go to enlightenment after every leg and switch there. However, it will obviously make your prestige sets take longer, thus making your multis less time efficient.
Then, do any non-universe egg build up as normal. When you reach universe, you do the following:
Original strategy by @dunaril (533234669223936000) here, in the Main Egg, Inc Discord Server. Simplified version used for the sake of conciseness can be found in the Cluckingham Palace coop discord server, by @yami.rl (274484653702774784)
Who is this method for?
This method is especially for those who have enough boosts and/or GE
It is VERY expensive! Do not attempt this below 100M GE or a stacked boost arsenal (1,000 boosts+) else you won’t be able to maintain it for long.
You will spend upwards to 600K GE worth of boosts each multi!
What boosts do I need?
For a piggystige with 12 legs/prestiges you need:
Start from any egg (infinistiges)
Start from preloaded Universe
How much more SE/Time efficient is this compared to other methods?
You can expect to gain 20%+ more SE each multi compared to IHR prestiges. If you time everything just right you can get even more.
How many legs/prestiges each multi should I do?
Anything between 8-12 legs. The amount of legs you can do, depends heavily on your artifacts (especially IHR set) and consistency as well as timing.
Advanced techniques to save time
A more detailed post, as well as lengthy analysis can be found in this post on the main discord server.
A lunarstige is one of the easiest and laziest prestige strategies. With the recent addition of the legendary T4 lunar totem, this strategy has become viable and has comparable gains to other strategies such as dilistiges. The strategy involves being offline for the majority of the run and is great for those who are on the move.
Firstly, you should max out all common research and equip your dilithium set before activating boosts. These boosts are 1 1000x 10mins tachyon prism, 2 50x 10mins boost beacons
, 1 50x 10mins bird feed, and 1 500x 10mins soul beacon
. This equates to 124500 GE per lunarstige, or just under 100000 GE if you buy 5 boosts at a time. After these steps have been completed, all you need to do is equip an artifact set focussed around away earnings/se gain.
This set should consist of your best lunar totem (strongly recommended to have AT LEAST T4R before starting) equipped with as many lunar stones as possible. Additionally, you should have your best feather, again with as many T4 lunar stones as possible, as well as a legendary necklace, with lunar stones slotted. The 4th slot is subject to change depending on your PE count and available artifacts (Note that you should try and decide whether lunarstiges are good for you AFTER looking at Artifact Sandbox and maximising the "Away SE Gain" stat. If you have the time and effort to multistige it is also recommended to continue doing that to maximise SE Gain). For the 4th slot, until around 115 PE, a T4L ankh with lunar stones is better than a T4L BoB with lunar stones as well. For a T4C, you need around 190 PE, and for a T4E Book of Basan, you need around 160 PE. You can use CarpetSage's smart assistant to help you with deciding which artifacts is best using this link, although it is still in beta and only works if you use this specific link.
You must then just stay offline until the boosts have completed, and click prestige. This strategy has all the perks of the Dilistige while only taking around half the time, making it a great choice for those with busy schedules.
Lunar multistiges are an alternative strategy where you follow all normal multistige rules but go offline for the majority of your time on universe, typically prestiging after 2-3 minutes on Universe. There are a few different viable boost combinations, but the main ones are 2 50x boost beacons, 1 50x bird feed
, 1 500x soul beacon
and 1 1000x tachyon prism
, along with the more expensive 3 50x boost beacons
and swapping between 1 50x bird feed
with 1 500x soul beacon
and 2 1000x tachyon prism
Boosts: 2 50x boost beacons, 1 50x bird feed
, 1 500x soul beacon
, 1 1000x tachyon boosts
Strategy: For the first leg, you would do the same as you would in a normal lunarstige (aka max common research and habs before activating boosts/artifacts and going offline) except instead of staying offline until your boosts end, you prestige as close to one minute after going offline as possible. You must not reopen the game until that minute is up, or you will not get the benefit of internal hatchery calm or your lunar artifacts and stones, resulting in much smaller gains. After reopening the game, prestige immediately, starting the second leg, and get back to Universe as quickly as possible. You will then buy all common research, max habs and buy at least 10 maxed hyperloop trains, ending with around 2.5 billion chickens, before going offline for another minute, ending the second leg. The second leg shall then be repeated as many times as you can within your boost timers, although you should try and maximise your SE gain by determining how long you should spend offline. With a ten minute boost set, this will net you slightly over 220% what a normal lunarstige would produce, while with a maxed out boost set (1510 seconds), you should receive slightly over 410% what a normal AIO would get you.
Boosts: 3 50x boost beacons, switching between 1 50 x Bird Feed
with 1 500x soul beacon
and 2 1000x tachyon boosts
each leg.
Total cost: 174500 + 36500 * (No. of legs - 1)
For the first leg, you should do the same process as mentioned in Option 1. After you have spent 1 minute offline and prestiged, to start the second leg you should switch your 50x bird feed to a 50x boost beacon
and your 500x soul beacon
to a 1000x tachyon prism
. Then, get back to the Universe egg. Complete all common research, max habs and buy at least ten fully maxed hyperloop stations, leaving you with around 7.5 billion chickens. Once this has been completed, switch your tachyon prisms
for 1 50x bird feed
and 1 500x soul beacon
before going offline for at least 1 minute again before reopening the game and prestiging. This is the end of the second leg.
You should repeat the second leg for all of your remaining legs, aiming for another 2 if you have a 10 minute boost set on or another 7 if you have a maxed-out dilithium stone set. With a ten minute boost set, this will net you slightly more than 260% what a normal lunarstige would get you. With the maximum boost set, this will give you around 500% what a normal lunarstige would give you, or around 430% if you only managed to do eight legs. This option will give you approximately 20% more soul eggs than option 1, although it is much more expensive, costing 446500 golden eggs for one maxed out multilunarstige.
Note that you should be able to do at least a tristige before attempting a multilunarstige, and that the difference between multilunarstiges and normal multistiges is currently unknown.
Drone farming is where you first preload your habs, then run chickens with a certain boost combination to maximise drone bock rewards. This strategy yields approximately double the SE, but at a greater cost. It can also be used during a Generous Drones event, and then prestige during a Prestige Event for even more SE. Although this strategy can be used by owners of either permit, it is more commonly used by Standard Permit players due to being unable to use All-in-Ones or multistiges.
For those with the Standard Permit, the boost combination is:
Undiscounted cost: 60,000 GE
Buy 5 (20% discount) cost: 48,000 GE
The recommended Artifacts for the Standard Permit are your best versions of the Phoenix Feather and an Aurelian Brooch. Having a Dilithium Stone-boosted boost duration (see the Multiple Prestige section's multistige strategies pertaining to Dilithium Stones) also helps negate the low frequency of elite drones and the base 3:7 GE:bock ratio for drones, especially due to the limited Artifact slots.
Additionally, slot as many Terra Stones as possible. This is due to Terra Stones increasing your maximum running chicken bonus (RCB), increasing your farm value (assuming the Epic Clucking ER has been purchased) and, because drone rewards are based on farm value, they'll become more valuable, thus yielding more SE.
The Standard Permit version of the drone strategy is more ideal for high earnings bonus farmers (S% range or higher) due to the increase in farm value compared to lower earnings bonus farmers.
As for boost combinations with the Pro Permit, there are three:
GE efficiency:
Undiscounted cost: 75,000 GE
Buy 5 (20% discount) cost: 60,000 GE
GE/SE efficiency:
Undiscounted cost: 122,500 GE
Buy 5 (20% discount) cost: 98,000 GE
SE efficiency:
Undiscounted cost: 170,000 GE
Buy 5 (20% discount) cost: 136,000 GE
The recommended Artifact set for the Pro Permit is your best version of the Phoenix Feather, Mercury's Lens, Neodymium Medallion and an Aurelian Brooch. Additionally, follow the same Standard Permit guideline for both Dilithium Stones, to gain additional time to hunt elite drones, and Terra Stones, for increased SE gains.
before your habs are full.
Undiscounted cost: 77,000 GE
Buy 5 (20% discount) cost: 61,600 GE
Due to the number of boost slots needed, AiOs are only doable for Pro Permit owners.
This strategy is also a good choice for those learning to multistige, due to using the same set of boosts for a prestige. When you reach an earnings bonus of approximately 100Q%, consider trying a duostige; see the Multiple Prestige section for more detail.
Writeup originally from Discord handle @_mk.ii_ on Copied here for the sake of clarity on the optimisation of multiple prestige runs. This section is purely for informative purposes, see the Related Links section for multistige calculators.
Let total boost time be T. Multistige earning curve is very complex, but let’s take a very simplistic model and assume that during each leg, population growth and earning per unit pop are zero until turned on at time τ , at which point both are constant at full potential. The τ point would be somewhere between getting to universe and finishing IHR researches, and finishing all earning-related researches. With this model, assume that during the i-th leg, we stay on the universe farm for time t i after the turn-on point, SE earned from this leg would be ( t i 2 ) 0.21 = t i 0.42 ^)^=t_^> times some constant that doesn't matter for optimisation.
So we end up with the following optimisation problem: find the number of legs n and < t i >\>> to maximise S = ∑ i = 1 n t i 0.42 ^t_^> , given the constraint ∑ i = 1 n ( τ + t i ) = T + τ ^(\tau +t_)=T+\tau > . The extra τ comes from the fact that during the first leg, the buildup process doesn't need to be boosted.
For a fixed n, using Lagrange multiplier we can easily [1] determine that the only maximum is achieved at t 1 = ⋯ = t n =\cdots =t_> , so we have further simplified the optimisation problem to S ( n ) = n × ( T + τ n − τ ) 0.42 >-\tau \right)^> with the constraint T + τ n > τ >>\tau > . We can thus easily [1] show that
× × × d S d n = 0 ⟺ ( T + τ n − τ ) + 0.42 n ( − T + τ n 2 ) = 0 ⟺ 0.58 × T + τ n = τ ⟺ n = 0.58 × ( T + τ ) τ &<\phantom <\times \times \times >> <\operatorname \!S \over \operatorname \!n>=0\\&\Longleftrightarrow \left(>-\tau \right)+0.42n\left(->>\right)=0\\&\Longleftrightarrow 0.58\times >=\tau \\&\Longleftrightarrow n=>\end>>
So the optimal number of legs is roughly ⌊ 0.58 × ( T + τ ) τ ⌉ >\right\rceil >