Nuwav Legal Documents

Statue of Lady Justice

Our goal at NUWAV Legal Documents is to provide documents that meet the needs of the everyday Citizen. Easily compose documents in categories like Business, Contracts, Landlord/Tenant disputes, Divorce and much, much more. Our Divorce Interview feature guides you step by step through the process, saving gigantic amounts of time and treasure. At NUWAV Legal Documents, we believe that providing Citizens with access to legal documents reduces the "justice gap" in America.

City skyline

Who we serve

Entrance to the New York Public Library

Public Libraries

The world's # 1 legal document resource for public libraries, with a collection tailored specifically to the needs of under-served library patrons.

Young man reading a book at a desk. Stack of books on desk.


Solve common legal problems with our comprehensive library of legal documents, forms, and letters.

Corporate Buildings


Our low cost institutional licenses are perfect for organizations of any size.