Can You Collect Unemployment If You Go Back to School?

After losing your job, it's natural to want to try to find a new job as soon as possible. In fact, that's exactly what your state's unemployment agency wants you to do. However, if you are having difficulty finding work, you may need to refresh your current job skills or acquire new ones. Your state may allow you to go back to school, even while you continue to draw benefits.

Available for Work

To qualify for unemployment benefits, you must be available for and seeking work. Historically, this meant that unemployment recipients who were enrolled in educational programs either had to forgo benefits, drop out of school, or get special permission from their state unemployment agency to remain in their program. The reasoning behind this policy was that people receiving benefits should be available to start work at any time. Being in school could conflict with a person's ability to go to an interview or take a job right away.

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However, during the Great Recession, President Obama issued a directive that encouraged state unemployment agencies to be more lenient and to allow benefit claimants to go to school while still searching for employment. As a result, many states changed their rules regarding education, allowing recipients to take classes while also searching for work.

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If you are applying for unemployment benefits and are considering returning to school or remaining enrolled in a program, it's important to understand your state's policies. Not all programs are eligible for approval, particularly if you are a full-time student in a traditional degree program.Exceptions may be made, however, particularly if you were already enrolled in school while holding down a job, agree to change your schedule, or if your current job skills are in low demand and you need a degree to make yourself more employable.

State Policies

While unemployment insurance is a federal program, it is managed by state agencies. Each state sets its own policies for those who want to go to school while receiving unemployment benefits. Some are more stringent than others, for example, some states favor short-term vocational training over more extended college degree programs.

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California: Benefit claimants who could benefit from training may be able to qualify for the California training benefits program. The claimant will either have to enroll in a federal or state workforce training program or, if the claim interviewer believes it would make the climate more employable, may also opt to enroll in a vocational school or higher education program.

Ohio: Claimants must report participation in educational programs to the unemployment agency. If the claimant was already in school while employed, she may still be considered available for work. The agency may also approve participation in an agency approved training course.

Massachusetts: The Training Opportunities Program allows unemployment claimants to enroll in an approved educational program. Massachusetts approves a range of options, including internships, vocational schools and both online and traditional college courses. As long as the recipient meets the educational hour requirements each week, and keeps up with the other program requirements, he or she can receive benefits and is not required to search for work.

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New Jersey: Full-time students, meaning those who are enrolled for at least 12 credit hours at a college or university, are not eligible for unemployment benefits unless they were already enrolled in school while also working. Claimants are enrolled in an agency-approved training course are likewise able to claim benefits.

Oregon: The Training Unemployment Insurance program allows workers to claim benefits and forgo work search requirements while taking a short-term approve training course. The program will sometimes support benefits for somebody who is completing a traditional higher education degree if that individual is 48 or fewer credit hours away from program completion.

Reporting Educational Activities

Many states will ask you to report your participation in educational training activities when you certify for benefits. Your unemployment handbook or agency website will explain how to do this. In places such as California, where there are multiple training options, including approved workforce programs, the processes for reporting your participation can vary significantly. In some cases, you'll need to report your participation yourself, in other instances, the course provider will submit paperwork to the unemployment agency on your behalf. Make sure you understand which type of program you are enrolled in and what you need to do.