Student Engagement

The purpose of this policy is to assist schools to create an effective local student engagement policy which provides the basis on which schools develop and maintain safe, supportive and inclusive school environments.



Schools develop local student engagement policies to document how they:

A principal of a government school must develop a policy for student engagement for the students at the school including in relation to student behaviour.

The principal must develop the policy in consultation with the school community and have regard to the rights and responsibilities of students, parents and staff in developing the policy.

Student engagement policies articulate the expectations and aspirations of the school community in relation to student engagement including strategies to address bullying, school attendance and behaviour. The school-based policy should:

prohibits the use of corporal punishment in any Victorian government school.

School-based policy requirements

A school’s student engagement policy must include:

Using your school’s student engagement policy

The policy should be a foundation document that supports or links with other school plans such as school-wide improvement strategies.

It can also be a helpful reference when tailoring individual student-based interventions, or to aid effective communication about the rights and responsibilities for all school community members when working with a student who is not meeting the behavioural expectations.

An engagement policy should be a living document that is reviewed and refreshed in response to progress and changing school context. It is recommended that the policy is reviewed every 2 to 3 years.

To ensure that a school community is familiar with and committed to the policy it can be promoted by:

Legal requirements

The policy must meet the requirements of the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) Minimum Standards including:

Developing a policy can support schools to address their legal obligations under relevant legislation including:

which clarify and make more explicit the obligations on schools and the rights of students under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) External Link

Resources on promoting student engagement

For further support and guidance on strategies and programs to enhance student engagement and identify students at risk of disengaging, refer to the Resources tab .


For advice and support in managing issues relating to student engagement, contact your regional office External Link

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