Convert Word/Google Doc to Google Form in one‑click .

Convert your quiz, test or exams from any Word/Google Doc to Google Form using GETMARKED Digitaliser. Takes only one-click, no specific formatting required.

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Save an unreasonable amount of time ⌛

It takes foooorever to create a Google Form quiz question by question. But it doesn't have to be this way!

Convert your Word/Google doc Quiz to Google Form in one-click

Upload your Word/Google doc quiz as is and we will automatically extract all the questions in a few minutes. Any format, any layout.

Download the extracted questions as a Google Apps script and generate a Google Form quiz from it.

The most flexible conversion tool on the internet

Any format

Any Word/Google doc quiz and exam can be converted into Google Form with zero changes. We will intelligently infer what's inside.

Any questions

We support all major question types like true-false, MCQs, cloze and open-ended. Questions can have sub questions too.

Any content

Images, tables, math formulas, superscript, subscript, bold, and underlines are all captured and preserved.